Effective Cost Control, Create a 1~40,000Ch Compliance RecordingBuild a phone recording network with at least 10,000Ch at anytime. DupliCALL new AIoT distributed phone recording management provide solution to company to build a recording network of 1 business branch to 5000 business branches, 1 phone to 40,000 phones. Adding the distributed company phone from each location to one network is helping companies to control cost while achieving company compliance recording management requirement. |
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Quick Deployment, Centralized ManagementPlug and play, Quick and convenient. Regardless of IP phone or analog phone is used, the original phone line will not be abandoned or modified. Phone number will be remained while only need to replace the original phone with the special recording phone. Quick and easy while all operations only required to follow the user manual. Centralized storage, Centralized management. Special recording phone able to upload the recording file to the company central system to achieve centralized storage and management for recording files. This is a good practice for the future data mining development.
AI Empowerment, Enhance Company Core CompetitivenessEnhance the business strategy for security and compliance. AIoT distributed phone recording management able to integrate with DupliCALL self developed ISCM intelligent quality inspection to do voice transcription, analysis and auto tagging on massive amount of recording files. Powerful AI algorithms not only support voice to text transcription, also able to capture the emotion of speaker by analyze on the speech rate, volume and tone. Compliance management with intelligent analysis will definitely improve company capability and core competitiveness. |
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Support Linux and Windows OS, Better Fulfil Maintenance RequirementsBesides from supporting various versions of the Microsoft Windows OS, DCLog also support other Linux OS with x86 architecture system such as CentOS, Euler, OpenEuler, Redhat, SUSE, ubuntu and UOS; and Linux OS with arm architecture system such as OpenEuler and UOS. Above mentioned Linux OS will be an important consideration since public cloud and private cloud of software are slowly migrating to Linux OS. |
Product Combination Provides Complete SolutionDCLog is one of the customer experience intelligence management product series. Products such as ISCM, IBAE, SoIP, MoIP, IMAM, VideoOPTI, etc. can be formed as a complete yet flexible intelligent security and compliance management solution. Each product from the combination can also be used alone or combined used. Furthermore, it effectively helps companies to promptly discover and eliminate risks while keeping the damage at minimum. Ultimately, makes better use of safety and compliance to create greater value. |
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Flexible Deployment
No limitation on phone line type or distributed mode, centralized record and manage on IP or analog phones. |
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Network Adaption
Adaptable to various company network architecture, manage special FAPs device phone recording and integrate internal and external company network. |
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Integrated and Expandable
Able to seamlessly integrate with other DupliCALL intelligent compliance management products and expand to intelligent applications. |
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No need of special tapping device or network configuration, directly record device conversation and centralized manage recordings through the current company network. |
Complete Product Suite, Provide Possibility for Sustainable DevelopmentWe intensively focus on R&D and develop “security & compliance” intelligent management related products. After years investment and research, we have accumulated rich industry leading experience in “security” and “compliance” and have developed a complete product series to provide customers with solutions at various stages of “security” and “compliance”. As the AI technology becomes increasingly mature, we will adopt more AI technology to develop our intelligent products to meet the “safety & compliance” need in the market and its sustainable development. |
Related Product List811-0002-002/L,DCLog ES Base Package (Linux) |
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